号称“运算时无限动态信号净空”的Native软母带处理器。 You say that Finalizer has infinite processing headroom. But what does it mean? It means that there’s no risk of any unintentional clipping or distortion anywhere inside the application or its processing modules. From source file. To file export. Unlike any analog chain and most DAW based solutions, the Finalizer has true infinite signal headroom. And there is also no need for adjusting a lot of gains in the chain to ensure that all processing modules are fed optimally. We have removed all unneeded gain parameters to obtain a fast and solid workflow. Sound has two ways out of the Finalizer: 1) Exporting the mastered track to file, and 2) Via the Monitor section. The signal level and headroom, when exporting to file, is handled by the Limiter module, at the end of the processing chain. The Monitor section has controls for detecting and avoiding clipping, when listening. 这意味着在应用程序或其处理模块中的任何地方都不会有任何意外削波或失真的风险。从源文件再到文件导出。与任何模拟链和大多数基于DAW的解决方案不同,Finalizer具有真正的无限动态余量。而且也没有必要调整链中的许多增益以确保所有处理模块都以最佳方式馈送。我们删除了所有不需要的增益参数,以获得快速和可靠的工作流程。 声音有两种离开Finalizer的方法:1)将已母带处理的音轨导出到文件,2)通过监听部分。 输出到文件时,信号电平和HeadRoom由处理链末端的限制器模块处理。监听部分用于监听时检测和避免削波的控件。 加密方式为WRAPWARDEN/iLOK2....