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    Jill(Hannah Kasulka)是麻省大学一名顽强的学生,她放弃了学业,去马萨诸塞州的Stoughton Valley进行一次越野滑雪旅行。不幸的是,当太阳落在地平线下后,该小组的SUV神秘地迷失在新砍伐的山中,最终耗尽了汽油。随着气温的下降,该小组近乎崩溃离析,然后书中的巫师猎杀开始…Jill (Hannah Kasulka), a tenacious UMass student, abandons her studies for an off-the-grid snowboarding trip in Stoughton Valley, Massachusetts.Unfortunately, after the sun has dipped below the horizon, the group’s SUV becomes mysteriously lost in the freshly-logged mountains, eventually running out of gas.As temperatures fall, the group dynamic unravels as a virtual and then a literal witch hunt begins…
