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    当一个视频游戏设计师无意中卷入勒索阴谋时,他与合同杀手、俄罗斯暴徒和妥协警察发生冲突,在一次穿越洛杉矶比扎罗世界的疯狂旅程中。《燃烧的狗》是一部以第一人称视角讲述的惊悚悬疑小说,让你一直猜到最后。When a video game designer stumbles into a blackmail conspiracy, he clashes with contract killers, Russian mobsters, and compromised cops in a wild journey through the bizarro world of Los Angeles. Uniquely told through a first-person point of view, Burning Dog is a relentless suspense thriller that keeps you guessing until the very end.
